Walleyes are going literally gangbusters on the rubble points and shorelines. Crazy crazy crazy!! It’s been just a total numbers game. And with fall coming why wouldn’t it just keep getting better!! Gosh, let’ see, so many groups having 100+ fish days. Where can we pinpoint? Well, Miles has been pretty decent. But Boomstick is still quite good. And then there’s always the Peninsula to cruise along points. Here’s a sleeper! Late afternoon yesterday Wally and I snuck out at about 430p and fished the NW side of Ballard’s Black Island. Jigged a shiner minnow in 14-21 feet of water on a rubble shelf. Caught over 25 walleyes (largest was 25 inches), caught about 12 dandy perch (largest was 13 inches), and then boated one very angry pike (was probably a fifteen pounder). And we did ALL OF THAT in about an hour and a half. How’s that for catching fish within eyesight of the island!!